According to the 'China Leather Luggages & Handbags Mfg. Industry Profile', recently published by Beijing Zeefer Consulting Ltd., the major distribution areas of leather luggages & handbags mfg. industry in China are Guangdong, Fujian and Shandong provinces. More than 400 above sized enterprises located in Guangdong province with total sales of US$ 2 billion. Beijing, China - Beijing Zeefer Consulting Ltd. has published a new research report called 'China Leather Luggages & Handbags Mfg. Industry Profile'. This report provides key data and concise analyses, presents a comparative analysis on the development of leather luggages & handbags mfg. industry in 31 provincial regions and 20 major cities in visualized form of data map. As shown in this report, the major distribution areas for leather luggages & handbags mfg. industry are Guangdong, Fujian and Shandong. More than 400 above sized enterprises located in Guangdong province with total sales of US$ 2 billion, accounting for 30% over that in China. The report also includes a list of top 20 enterprises in the sector and the comparison on investment environment in top 10 hot regions in China. In addition, the report truly reflects the position of foreign enterprises in this industry across China based on a comprehensive comparison of operating conditions among different enterprise types. This report is based on Chinese industry classification (Industrial Classification For National Economic Activities, GB/T 4754-2002). Additionally, by original creation of ZEEFER Industry Distribution Index, the report directly shows the difference in various regions of Mainland China in terms of leather luggages & handbags mfg. industry, providing an important reference for investors' selection of target regions to make investment.
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